ROV and AUV teams
The AUV class was held at the Far Eastern Federal University
The ROV class was held at the Maritime State University
From 2 to 4 July, the MURC-WUURC 2024 International Underwater Robotics Competition took place at the Far Eastern Federal University and Maritime State University. The winners in 6 categories were determined within the framework of the competition. In-person categories ROV Junior class 1st place: "ROBOKVANTS", Children’s Teсhnopark «Kvantorium» Novosibirsk Region, Lyceum 176, Novosibirsk, Russia 2nd place: "TechnoCrabs", Lyceum № 22, Novosibirsk, Russia 3rd place: "Pripoy", The Center for Robotics Development, Vladivostok, Russia. AUV and AUV Junior category 1st place: "RoboLab-IT" …
On 3 July, before the start of the competition, teams must pass a vehicle check (+ floats for the ROV class) and a weighing. The checks will be carried out according to the criteria specified in the Vehicle Requirements section. The float check will be carried out according to the criteria outlined in the Requirements for a profiling float section. A weighting bonus will be awarded according to the criteria outlined in the Weighing bonus section. Upon successful completion of …
Team Spec Sheet Please be reminded that participants should send the Spec Sheet by July 1 inclusive. Upload the Spec sheet to the form: . In case of problems with uploading Spec Sheet, foreign participants can send it to the organizers: Marketing Display Poster evaluation will take place at the competition venues. The organizers provide an x-stand of 80*180 cm (example on the pic. 1) to place the poster. Participants need to print the poster themselves and bring …
Teams that did not participate in the Russian Underwater Robotics Competition 2024 or did not take prizes can take part in direct selection. The rules for direct selection and the number of places are published in this document
Teams from Russia must fill out a registration form by June 1 (by 14 June for AUV programming in the simulator) , 2024.